7265 State Route 38 SE
London, OH 43140
Branch Manager Kyle Seaburn
Fax: + (740) 852-1504
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Agronomy
- Job Opening
welcome to heritage cooperative - Newport
Agronomy Services

Crop Advantage
Crop Advantage is Heritage Cooperative's premier Agronomy program. We recognize that each acre is different and each farmer has different management goals to meet his or her needs. Contact us at Newport ag to talk with one of our ag tech specialists.

Crop Nutrients
Heritage Cooperative can access both domestic and export markets by barge and rail. We know your operation requires a consistent product supply during our compressed seasons. Our Newport facility has the transportation ability to ensure your supply.

Crop Protection
Visit us at Newport for our complete line of crop protection products. Through our relationship with all of the major manufacturers, we can provide herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, growth regulators and spray adjuvants.

At Heritage, we offer corn hybrids and soybean varieties from DeKalb and Asgrow, Croplan brand from Winfield and our own Shur Grow brand. The agronomists at Newport can help you choose the best genetics for your farming needs.