At Heritage Cooperative, we believe we owe it to our member-owners to help them do the right thing on each of their acres. Farmer adoption of conservation practices helps reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment.

Committed to Conservation
As an agricultural cooperative, we believe we have a responsibility to our member-owners to help them do the right thing on every acre they farm. Below are conservation programs that are available to our growers. Our experienced team of agronomists can help you advance sustainability on your farm.

The sustainability trend is here to stay, and agriculture has the opportunity to lead it. Land O’Lakes Truterra exists to help retailers and their growers take advantage of this opportunity in a profitable way.
Through our partnership with Land O’Lakes Truterra, Heritage Cooperative is now able to offer a variety of resources, expertise, tools and technologies that can help you more easily implement sustainability-minded practices, navigate regulation and differentiate yourself in the marketplace.

Our agronomy team practices the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Framework, ensuring the right fertilizer source is being applied at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place.

Working together with Truterra and Campbell's, we can have a real impact, helping to safeguard the environment while also helping farmers focus on profit potential and the economic health of their farms.

Heritage is working to build partnerships with a wide variety of government and non-profit agencies to protect watersheds and promote best management practices.

Heritage Cooperative Agronomy Facilities Certified in 4R Nutrient Stewardship
The program certifies nutrient service providers in the Western Lake Erie Basin that apply or make recommendations on how nutrients should be applied to crops are doing so in accordance with 4R Nutrient Stewardship principles – which refers to using the Right Source of Nutrients at the Right Rate and Right Time in the Right Place. Program participants must go through an independent, third-party audit and demonstrate they not only understand 4R principles, but also follow them.
Kenton Agronomy
Sycamore Agronomy

Upper Agronomy
Conservation Specialist On Staff
Pheasants Forever has expanded its Precision Agriculture Initiative to Ohio with the hiring of Sarah Moore as a Precision Ag and Conservation Specialist. This first-of-its-kind partnership with Heritage Cooperative will have Moore working with the agricultural leader's staff and growers to integrate conservation practices on less profitable cropland acres, seeking solutions to both farm profitability and natural resource conservation.