As we prepare for the growing season it’s important to remember that fundamentals matter. Our goal is to help you keep fundamentals top-of-mind this season and will be sharing information on key topics along the way, like Seed Trait and Placement, Mitigating Early Plant Stress, Optimizing Nutrition, Weed Control, Plant Health/ROI.
Mitigating Early Plant Stress
Warmer days have us thinking of spring. Are you ready to get in the fields and work towards a successful 2023 crop? Mitigating early season plant stress is the first of many fundamental steps to a successful season and maximizing your ROI. Over the next several weeks we will be sharing information and solutions to help mitigate those stressors using seed treatments, starter fertilizer programs, biologicals, nutrient enhancers, and plant growth regulators.
Warmer days have us thinking of spring. Are you ready to get in the fields and work towards a successful 2023 crop? Mitigating early season plant stress is the first of many fundamental steps to a successful season and maximizing your ROI.
What is a good starter program for your operation? Starter programs should be based on your specific farm plan. Considerations include nutrients present in the soil, soil properties, and weather.
New trait platforms have brought better ways to control difficult weeds later in the season but not without some challenges. It is crucial to know and understand your trait specific solutions to best to protect your investment.
As we experience more sunshine and warmer days, we begin thinking about planting and a successful 2023 crop year. Now is the time to ensure your soybean seed is protected by the strongest defense available.
Planting is just around the corner. Every decision you make, including your seed purchase and the ground conditions you place it in, can affect the number on the yield monitor at harvest. When seeds start in cold, wet soils,
Growing high-yielding corn doesn’t happen by chance. It requires strong agronomic management and investment, which can be challenging when you can’t control what Mother Nature throws at you.
The one thing you can count on in Ohio is unexpected weather. As we experience a week of cold, wet weather, it’s a good time to make certain you are getting your crops off to the best start possible by mitigating early season plant stress.
Optimizing Nutrition
The Crop Advantage Team offers variable rate application options to meet your agronomic/economic desires. Most of the focus is on phosphorus, potassium, and lime applications,
Nitrogen loss can be a serious problem impacting yield potential and return on investment. Depending on the soil type, nitrogen fertilizer is susceptible to losing more than 40% of its nitrogen through ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching.
Weed Control
Favorable weather this week is allowing field work to begin across much of the region. Many of the annuals that emerged during the fall and winter will grow aggressively in warm spring temperatures. A field may look clean now but can get out of control quickly, causing issues with soil temperature and moisture, and may jeopardize your planting success.
With the growing season in full swing, now is the time to consider corn sidedress applications. Robert Mullen, VP of agricultural technology provides an in-depth look at considerations for nitrogen applications.
Is It Time For Corn Fungicide?
We have experienced a rather dry spring in Ohio, but we finally received some much-needed rain. Should you be considering an early-season corn fungicide application?The answer ultimately depends upon pathogen load and genetics.
The up and down weather in Ohio makes it even more important to do all we can to achieve yield goals on wheat. Here are several considerations and products that can help with ensuring you’re getting the most of your wheat.
In the world of agriculture, we are utilizing new methods to determine what is happening in our fields to aid with in-season decision making. Crop assessment from a remote platform such as drone, airplane, or satellite, allows for evaluation of stand count, general crop health, and yield prediction.
Weed competition can be one of the costliest threats to your crop’s performance. Your Heritage Agronomy team can help maximize your crop's positive response to weed control in terms of yield, ease of harvest, and improved grain quality.
In a dry growing season, the decision of when to spray existing weeds and layer additional residuals requires careful consideration. Water plays a vital role in activating herbicides and ensuring effective weed control.